Meases - Rubeola | Excellent Health

What is measles? Measles is a very contagious (easily spread) infection that causes a rash all over your body. It is also called rubeola or red measles.

Measles, also known as morbilli, English measles, or rubeola (and not to be confused with rubella or roseola) is an infection of the respiratory system caused by a virus, specifically a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus.
Measles, also known as rubeola, is one of the most contagious infectious diseases, with at least a 90% secondary infection rate in susceptible domestic contacts. Despite being considered primarily a childhood illness, measles can affect people of all ages.

What are the symptoms?
The first symptoms of measles are like a bad cold-a high fever, a runny nose, sneezing, a sore throat, and a hacking cough. The lymph nodes in your neck may swell. You also may feel very tired and have diarrhea and red, sore eyes. As these symptoms start to go away, you will get red spots inside your mouth, followed by a rash camera all over your body.
When adults get measles, they usually feel worse than children who get it.

It usually takes 8 to 12 days to get symptoms after you have been around someone who has measles. This is called the incubation period.
What causes measles?
Measles is caused by a virus. It is spread when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or shares food or drinks. The measles virus can travel through the air. This means that you can get measles if you are near someone who has the virus even if that person doesn't cough or sneeze directly on you.

You can spread the virus to others from 4 days before the rash starts until 4 days after the rash appeared. The virus is most often spread when people first get sick, before they know they have it.

If you have had measles, you can't get it again. Most people born before 1957 have had measles.

How is it treated?
Measles usually gets better with home care. Take medicines to lower your fever. Also, get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids. Stay away from other people as much as you can so that you don't spread the disease. If your child has measles, keep him or her out of school until at least 4 days after the rash first appeared. Keep your child out longer if he or she is not feeling well. Your doctor may suggest vitamin A supplements if your child has measles.

Most people get better within 2 weeks. But measles can sometimes cause dangerous problems, such as lung infection (pneumonia) or brain swelling (encephalitis). In rare cases, it can even cause seizures or meningitis.

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