Male genital odor is one of the major turn offs on the male body, the others being body odor and mouth odor. There is much awareness and precautions for both the body and mouth odors but very little is said or known about the male genital odor.
Mostly because the scrotum has very sensitive skin and cannot withstand any form of alcohol or chemicals mostly contained in antiperspirants, deodorants, perfumes and even toothpastes.
There are little good products available in the market for keeping male genital odor in check and most of them are usually very few in stock.
Putting a finger down there and bringing it close to the nostrils is still the ultimate test for male genital odor or as it's sometimes called Stinking Dick.
Most guys want to know how to get rid of male genital odor. For some men, genital odor can be a real problem. If the odor radiating from your genitals is strong and foul, it can hinder your sex life.
- Bacteria. Bacteria manifest speedily in warm and damp conditions, and this is especially so when they are trapped under the foreskin. The smell will start to form regularly a few hours after your last shower.
- Urination. Urine contains abundance of bacteria, which added contributes to penis odour if the penis is not washed properly after urination.
- Pubic hair. Pubic hair can trap heat, urine and perspiration and allows bacteria to grow quickly.
So what is the actual cause of penis odor?
The favourable conditions for bacteria to multiply, and when this happens, it gives off a bad smell.
How do you eliminate male genital odor?
- Take your bath twice everyday and also after a strenuous activity like soccer, exercise etc paying attention to your inner thighs, your armpits, behind the knees and the back of the ear-all enclosed areas. If you have foreskin, pull it back and wash the penis carefully as well. The choice of soaps to be used is also very important. Organic soaps that contain no harsh chemicals like sodium laurel should be used to wash the male genitals. Male Genital wash might come in handy here. You can also soak the genitals ( or whole body) in a mixture of a cup of water, half cup of white vinegar and salt( preferably epsom salt) for about 10 minutes once or twice a week.
- Clean in between your legs and under the scrotum till it is completely dry after taking a bath. Most men when cleaning up after bathing, do not pay attention to cleaning down there, till it is dry. Any moisture still remaining there would eventually settle there and mix with dead skin and skin excretes and smell. Clean the scrotum till it is dry and give about 5 minutes space before putting on your briefs or boxers. You can also clean the genitals with Apple Cider Vinegar, after you have first tried it on your arm to see that it doesn't burn.If you find yourself in a position where you can not quickly take a bath, use Dude Wipes for those areas around the male genitals.
- Shave. It is very important to shave down there, the hair down there would always act like a sponge holding moisture and eventually lead to a pungent smell. It is mostly advisable to use a Mild Hair removal cream as against blades which might result in razor bumps or use a Bikini Trimmer or a Body Hair Management System . The most important hair to eradicate is the one in between the thighs and the one in between the butt cheeks. The hair below the abdomen can just be trimmed.
- Cleaning the anal region after defecating is also very important. It is advisable to use soap and water as against tissue papers alone. Fecal matter still lying around the anus would get stuck in the hairs around that region and produce a very unpleasant smell. Experts have advised that the best way to take a dump, is to sit on the toilet with your legs placed on a foot stool, that way your thighs make an acute angle with your chest and your colon has more allowance to push out waste matter in the rectum. This is a modification of the ancient squatting technique still very much practiced in the middle east.
- Use dusting powders or baby powder to prevent friction, bruises, bacteria and smell to the areas in between the thighs just below the scrotum, it is the same treatment mothers use for babies. Having male genital odor eliminated sends a subliminal message to your brain that boasts your confidence and increases your self esteem. You can also use the acclaimed fresh ball lotion to relieve the wetness of sweaty and sticky balls.
- Going commando (free balling) when you sleep is advisable, wear something airy and let your balls breathe at night . Get rid of that fishy smell, the male genital odor. Going commando, experts say would reduce your chances of getting urinary tract infection as this would reduce chances of bacteria growth on both female and male genitals which could make it's way into the urethra and cause bladder infection.Never wear your underwear twice without washing, that's 7 underwears a week. That's not too much.
- Male genital products might be necessary, if you still have smelly balls after putting all the above instructions to practice,male genital wash should be used. Male Genital wash such as BOND GINSENG CARE MEN's INTIMATE WASH and BOND INTIMATE WASH can be used to wash the genitals instead of toilet soaps. You might also want to try this New Korean Product. Men's Genital Area Cleaner . These Products are made specially for the male genital skin and do not contain soap that can lead to skin irritation or bruising. Using such Products would come in handy and helpful. However if smell still persists, then a doctor has to be consulted.
Now say goodbye to smelly genitals.
Using a penis health creme that contains Vitamin A is the best way to keep the penis extra-clean and odor-free. It will kill any bacteria left behind after your daily wash. This creme takes only seconds to apply, but the benefits are immense. Check it out fellas.